
This weekend in Falmouth there’s a sea shanty festival.

To my mind that’s a Pirate festival.

I would be disappointed if there weren’t plentiful eye parches, parrots, wooden legs, beards and pieces of eight in play. I won’t be there, but I’m hoping I might get updates from our woman in Falmouth.

By way of compensation I might take time to sit out on the Southbank playing, pirate or accountant.

In my world the male population can be divided into one of these two groups, much like I can happily divide the female population into floozies and housewives. For those of you who would like to play along but who find this a bit binary gender wise, it is possible to divide the entire population into these four groups ignoring the socially defunct typical gender divisions.

If you like your potentially offensive,unacceptable, judgemental guessing games more complicated you can have subdivisions.

I, for instance would be very pleased if I was recognised as a floozy pirate with underlying housewife tendencies, but that’s because I know me. For those categorising me at a glance, I would settle for pirate…..or a floozy.

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