
This weekend in Falmouth there’s a sea shanty festival. To my mind that’s a Pirate festival. I would be disappointed if there weren’t plentiful eye parches, parrots, wooden legs, beards and pieces of eight in play. I won’t be there, but I’m hoping I might get updates from our woman in Falmouth. By way of … Continue reading Pirate


I’ve had lots of lovely weekends away, these gorgeous fun times are not what has got me back chatting here after a very sketchy year for blogging on my part. Work has been leisurely and interesting, nothing to offer there. The weather has been predictably unpredictable, that is, mostly not great. The expected shenanigans of … Continue reading Love


Friday. The journey home. My one line weather report for this post reads, too effing wet. Since I complained about the overly hot weather, the british summer has been whispering under its breath ‘be careful what you wish for’ and smirking. It may have reached the laughing out loud stage. I’ve taken to carrying a … Continue reading Soggy

‘Man in hat sits on chair’ Private Eye

Succinct, to the point, while outlining the ridiculousness of it all. If I had to put my feelings on the pomp into one sentence I’d have to say: Too many heavily armed people, not enough horses. Overall, I was mildly, not exactly disappointed, rather underwhelmed. By way of critical evaluation of heavily pomp loaded dos … Continue reading ‘Man in hat sits on chair’ Private Eye

I Spy

My obsession with ‘Slow Horses’ hasn’t fizzled out yet. Honestly I’ll be glad when it does. It’s taken me over. My life is not my own. Having watched the two series available, I’m now eagerly awaiting series three and four. These are in post production apparently. I’m a bit pissed off that I’ll have to … Continue reading I Spy

It’s beginning to feel a lot like Xmas

Hectic, apologies for absence It snowed last week. At least momentarily everyone loves snow. It’s so pretty, evoking thoughts of romanticised Xmases past. I appreciated all those snowy garden photos posted by everyone on social media. Outside our place someone, perhaps someone I know, built an obscene snow feature on my car. Charming as those … Continue reading It’s beginning to feel a lot like Xmas

Portugal part 2… or comparison is the thief of joy?

It didn’t rain constantly during my visit, and although my last post might have suggested that we stayed in watching tv all of the time, we didn’t. We knew it was time to step away from The Spanish Princess when Frenchie started to insist on being called, My Lady Sister. In fact there wasn’t one … Continue reading Portugal part 2… or comparison is the thief of joy?


Admirably, Cornflake fights an overriding sensation that arguments are personal attacks, and endeavours to always respond to criticism/questions in an intelligent and reasonable manner that belies this feeling. Me not so much. In truth, in the flesh I am mostly polite, but this only works for me because internally I’m calling my opponents ‘jugs of … Continue reading Etm


There’s been a lot of life going on in the Tart Cornflake household recently. I’m easing myself into a more relaxed attitude to modern living. I saw a headline today that replaces ‘Mad Vlad goes Nuclear’ as a favourite. ‘PM turns up for meeting.’ It’s hard to believe those five words are news worthy, but … Continue reading Summer


HRH has taken the concept of a job for life very seriously, I appreciate a person who loves their dogs and sparkly things. That’s it, about all this republican can find to say that’s positive about this knobtastic jubilee tripe. Anyhow, seeing as these celebrations are costing us an effing fortune, let’s take some time … Continue reading Jubbly


Saturday. That was a funny old week. The weather has been swinging between down right nasty, drizzle, cold, dull and bright, crisp and sunny, warm at times, differing day to day, sometimes changing throughout the day., sometimes through the hour, it feels like by the minute. It’s the sort of weather that announces annually that … Continue reading Spring


We are apparently a nation divided. Europe v brexit, tory v everyone else, pro vax, anti vax, each topic raising blood pressures, threatening palpitations and headaches. Politics, morals, religion, freedoms, community, all divisive, opinions entrenched beyond discussion. There’s a school of thought amongst optimistic types that suggests, these differences are insignificant when compared with all … Continue reading Coco


Didn’t win the lottery this week, disappointing. I haven’t had a minute to Tart recently due to work load. This present busy will be followed by, trip to Scotland busy, followed by studio expansion busy and hopefully, Frenchie visiting busy, before the usual busy kicks in mid September. I was discussing the imminent expansion plans … Continue reading Decor


Cornflake is currently spending quite a lot of his free time down a YouTube wormhole. He has become increasingly concerned about shark attacks, the size of sharks and people’s lack of care around sharks. Miles from land, the other side of the world. Me, I’m not so worried. I’ll take the threat of a shark … Continue reading Jaws

Thunderbolt and lightning, very, very frightening me

Of course my preferred line would be, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango? But that would make no sense at all, if it ever did. In rubbish weather girl mode, I can tell you that the weather yesterday was awful. Spectacularly so, I’m not even moaning, it was so dramatic. Purple grey storm clouds … Continue reading Thunderbolt and lightning, very, very frightening me


I have a bad habit of listening into other people's conversations. It's not intentional but once I've tuned in it's often difficult to tune out again. Usually I wouldn't join in. However, there are exceptions. Students were discussing a friend's upcoming cosmetic surgery. Apparently the reason she's having a nose job is because proportionately her … Continue reading Nosey

An Opinion, a theory and a thought for the week.

I’m a woman with opinions, many opinions, some considered, some not so much. I would hazard a guess that I have a thought, theory or opinion on most topics. On some things I may have all three. After a recent conversation with Cornflake, I have solidified my opinion that at present, the two main British … Continue reading An Opinion, a theory and a thought for the week.


Bit busy busy here, but there's always time to salute St Valentine of Rome for all you lovers out there. He's also the patron Saint of epileptics, so here's to you all too. ❤️